I Am Creating My Dream Life!

When we first met today’s guest on Living The Retirement Lifestyle Podcast it was as a result of a post he had written on his Facebook stating “I am creating my dream life”. As we are friends we were drawn to what he had written which we’ll share below and hatched a plan to invite him to appear on our show and share what that meant and what inspired him to not just write it but to make a plan to fulfil his statement

Tune in to find out what happens when everything you dream about starts coming true

Here’s that post that inspired us to get Trevor to do this interview and we believe will inspire you to go ahead and create your dream life whatever that is for you

Let’s unpack this

I’m creating my dream life.

It started with this book…

That book was “Unlikely Destinations : The Lonely Planet Story” The autobiography of a young couple who travelled all over the world starting from the UK and then through uncharted territory of Afghanistan, S E Asia and finally arriving in Australia. During that time they started making little travel guide books (way before the internet was really a “thing” as it is today) and The Lonely Planet (their little side gig 😂) was born

Trevor read it back in 2007

We’re reading it at the moment in 2022 but we already knew about them from their amazing website that has been one of the inspirations for us to travel and record our memories…

Reminding us like Trevor that this is the life we want to live

This is the retirement we want to have

For Trevor he says…

I read Unlikely Destinations: The Lonely Planet Story back in 2007.

It’s the autobiography of the couple that started those little travel guide books.

You know…before the internet was really a “thing”.

I remember reading it back then and thinking…


THAT is the life I want to live.

They travelled from the UK to Afghanistan to S.E. Asia to Australia.

They documented their journey.

The route they took.

The food they ate.

The people they met.

And, when they had a family, they brought their kids on their adventures.

At the time (in 2007) I had NO IDEA how I would make that a reality.

I had only travelled to Ireland (for 1 week) and Mexico on a few all-inclusive vacations.

But, I said to myself then…

You need to CREATE a life where you can live anywhere.

And, still make $$$$.

It started with an INTENTION

But, when your VISION is clear.

You CONSCIOUSLY CREATE your reality.






And, it is another piece to the puzzle that will help me manifest my dreams into reality.

While the path is walked one step at a time.

The destination is no longer “unlikely”

Contacting Trevor



Website & Podcast

Thank you for joining us for this fabulous chat and hope that you are inspired to choose a destination to suit you wherever that may be and whenever that may be…

You can join the Lonely Planet Group on Facebook for inspiration, travel trips and people who love life

Just don’t leave it too late will you

Picture of Chris & Susan Beesley

Chris & Susan Beesley

We’re former accountants and management consultants ‘of a certain age‘ with 5 great kids, 5 grand-kids, 1 grand-dog and a little old cat called Vincent. We love skiing, the mountains and travelling the world and we’re passionate about helping others to start and build successful businesses online to generate them a full or part-time income to support their retirement lifestyle.

Our Story
Picture of Chris & Susan Beesley

Chris & Susan Beesley

We’re former accountants and management consultants ‘of a certain age‘ with 5 great kids, 5 grand-kids, 1 grand-dog and a little old cat called Vincent. We love skiing, the mountains and travelling the world and we’re passionate about helping others to start and build successful businesses online to generate them a full or part-time income to support their retirement lifestyle.

Our Story

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