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In this episode of Living The Retirement Lifestyle Podcast and Web Show we introduce you to long time friend and entrepreneur Diane Hochman who we first met many years ago in London. She’s a woman of many talents but she’s very well known in the home business arena and a huge proponent of network marketing having started out in 1999 with a network marketing company trying to find a way to be home with her two daughters. Like many, she did everything she was told to do and when she ran out of warm market she bravely took to the internet to figure out how to meet more people to introduce her business to. That’s where she discovered what we know today as Attraction Marketing and something we use every day in our business…
In fact you’re listening to, watching or reading this because of that!
Time to tune in and listen to her story and make sure to write down those golden nuggets 😀
How Did You Get Into Network Marketing?
A familiar story we’re sure but like many of us Diane shares how she was invited by a friend to what turned out to be an opportunity meeting back in 1999 as a mother of two small children and found a way to be at home with them having left her job as an educator at a college and naively had found herself in debt! Having seen the opportunity she went on to build her first home business.
She built it traditionally to begin as we’re all taught but then found the internet and everything changed and her business grew exponentially via social media in particular.
After that she became recognised as an expert in her field and she hasn’t looked back
Becoming skilled in the field of home business, social media marketing and attraction marketing the world became her stage and is now sought after for events where she is able to fulfil her passion for teaching and training just as we do as well as consultancy and education.

And all that from one decision made 23 years ago!
Our friend Lisa Grossman sums Diane up very well
“To say that I am Diane Hochman’s biggest fan would be an understatement. She is a teacher of truths, a master of mentorship who uses her expertise to help others find their voice and articulate their passions in order to create success in their lives… Nobody does it better”
How Important Is It To Look At Alternative Income Streams?
We’re living in challenging times so we asked Diane to give her thoughts on alternative income streams for someone in or approaching their retirement years.
She recalls the crash of the economy in 2007/2008 (coincidentally what bought us to the online world) and believes what we are about to experience now (it’s 2022 as we write this) will be much more ominous. The truth is that winter will come economically but that’s how the seasons of life roll. Your prepare in the summer and autumn for the winter. Those who see what’s coming can take advantage of that now and prepare just like the squirrels do. Just like Diane did and just like we did.
COVID gave us a whole new way to build a business leveraging the internet and social media and those who are smart enough to recognise that have stayed the course and grown their businesses.
On The Topic Of Retirement
Diane touched on a very important phrase we hear a lot “it’s not fair” – people have worked hard all their lives, it’s not fair the economy is like it is right now, my savings plan (401K in the USA) is down. Why is this happening when I’m 60? Why is this happening when I become eligible to become a ‘pensioner‘, ‘retired’? And the media is stirring the pot as they do. Truth is ‘it’s not fair’ but what if you could do something now that would cause you to have more money than you ever would have with the original pension or social security because bad time are often the start of something wonderful?
What’s Next?
Twenty three years later, the kids have flown the nest and she’s single once more and focused once more in building a network marketing opportunity she loves (very important to love the company and the products) and enjoying life being Diane knowing that she can continue to help people who want help.
Final Words?
Because of a bad times in my financial life I made a decision that changed the course of my whole life… you never know where a home business can lead you…
Finding Diane
Website : DianeHochman.com
Blog : https://dianehochman.com/blog/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dianehochmantraining/
Highly recommend subscribing to her newsletter which you will find on her website
Thanks for joining us for this inspirational podcast with Diane Hochman which we sincerely hope has left you with some serious thinking to do and decisions you can make that will change the course of your life for the better