The Other Side Of Chaos Life After The Coronavirus

We had the most amazing half hour this morning with our guest on Living The Retirement Lifestyle Video Podcast

Paul Avins who was one of our very first mentors and guides during the early days of our online business shared with us his thoughts on life on the other side of chaos and a “first time” training for you on what we’ll call his “3 Circles” for now. This will all be in perspective when you listen to the Living The Retirement Lifestyle podcast or watch the webcast here

The 3 Circles are

  • Work And Learning
  • Fun and Family
  • Health and Energy

Each of these three will need be the focus for all of us as we continue the path called life much like Maslow’s Heirachy of Needs – Survival, Love and Belonging, Power, Freedom and Fun

These three will be the range of needs that must be fulfilled in order for us to thrive.

Catch the show here

We all of us need to have a sense of knowing that there is life after the coronavirus panademic – HOPE might be a better word

Paul talks about something shared with him by one of his business partners who’s an explorer and climbs mountains. He says if you imagine this – your life as you get older – its a great analogy and fitting for you reading this if you’re of retirement age or nearing it…

When you’re in your twenties , you’re at Base Camp. It doesn’t matter if you screw up and make bad decisions… you can recover. You’ve got time on your side but as you start climbing and ou are in your 20’s and 30’s you’re pretty much less than two or three hundred feet up. It’s not a big deal. If you packed the wrong jacket you’re not going to die. If you wear the wrong shoes, you’re not going to die. But when you’re 25,000 feet and you didn’t take oxygen. If you don’t have the right jacket and there’s a storm coming and you get hit by that storm, you’re dead! Financially you’re dead. Emotionally you’re dead; you might even be physically dead with all that’s going on right now because you made bad decisions at the bottom which impacts you at the top. Many of us are not thinking ahead. We’re not thinking about what happens when I’m 50, 65 or 70 when I’m at the top of the mountain… what happens if I get hit by a storm…

You need someone to be saying to you “you need this, you need oxygen, you need the right climbing boots, we need survival tents”

You can download and read the full transcript because there’s some really insightful information and which could well help you survive the after effects of this coronavirus pandemic financially as well as physically and emotionally

Make no mistake the world will be very different as we discussed on the show

This coronavirus pandemic will pass

The world will change

Work from home



Online education

…will all be terms people are familiar with and use in everyday life after this is all over…

BUT it’s what we do now though that will help shape our future

One of our mentors said this :-

“Don’t use the crisis as an excuse to pause your growth, relationship with your mentors and investment in yourself.

Now is the time, to level up your skills, lean into your mentors and market yourself when everyone else is pulling back.

Survival mode doesn’t create growth”

As Rich Dad mentor Keith Cunningham says

Success is getting what you want, fulfillment is giving what you’ve got.

Here’s the full transcription you can download and read

Love to know what you are doing

Let us know

Thanks for joining us for Living The Retirement Lifestyle Podcast & Webcast “The Other Side Of Chaos Life After The Coronavirus ’ with Paul Avins please leave us a comment and share with your friends it would mean a lot to us.

Picture of Chris & Susan Beesley

Chris & Susan Beesley

We’re former accountants and management consultants ‘of a certain age‘ with 5 great kids, 5 grand-kids, 1 grand-dog and a little old cat called Vincent. We love skiing, the mountains and travelling the world and we’re passionate about helping others to start and build successful businesses online to generate them a full or part-time income to support their retirement lifestyle.

Our Story
Picture of Chris & Susan Beesley

Chris & Susan Beesley

We’re former accountants and management consultants ‘of a certain age‘ with 5 great kids, 5 grand-kids, 1 grand-dog and a little old cat called Vincent. We love skiing, the mountains and travelling the world and we’re passionate about helping others to start and build successful businesses online to generate them a full or part-time income to support their retirement lifestyle.

Our Story

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