You might be wondering where is the wealthiest place in the world only to find it’s not what you think. It’s not Dubai. It’s not China. The wealthiest place in the world is in fact the graveyard Because in the graveyard you will find inventions never invented. Businesses never erected. Songs never sung. Books never written. Ideas never nurtured.
This is the video by Prince Ea that shares the secret – the wealthiest place in the world and the message (it’s been viewed almost 4 million times at time of writing this blog!) we all need to hear!
Why Most People Die Before 25
Have You Died Already? Is there a gift, dream or passion inside of you that you are hiding from the world? Don’t let a lifetime pass by before you realize that you are special. Step into your greatness.
We remember watching this video (which really should be entitled ‘where is the wealthiest place in the world’ by Prince Ea many years ago and thinking about what he said and it spurred us on to continue on our new journey… to live our dream and along the way to help others live theirs. We definitely weren’t prepared to let a lifetime pass us by
We sincerely hope reading where is the wealthiest place in the world this and listening in to the video you won’t either
Helen Keller was once asked, “What on earth will be worse than being born blind?” She said, “It will be so much worse to be born with sight, but no vision.”
There are so many words, so many great quotes, so many valuable lessons to learn
They say the average person dies at 25, but is buried at 75. Know what that means? I’ll let you figure it out
Thanks for watching the video and for reading this post where is the wealthiest place in the world on Living The Retirement Lifestyle and we hope it inspires you just as it inspired us – that you take that idea, your knowledge, your talent and make an impact on the world and leave a legacy.